What is open and permissionless is not always secure. Do you have what it takes to secure first place?
$4837 total value
$3337 total value
$1837 total value
OpenZeppelin reserves the right to disqualify a team if suspected for breaking the rules.
Founded in 2015, OpenZeppelin is the world leader in securing blockchain applications and smart contracts. Its bedrock open source Contract Libraries are a public good and industry standard for smart contract development. OpenZeppelin's professional expertise, unified with the Defender developer security platform, integrates through clients' development lifecycles, so teams can plan, code, audit, deploy and operate projects faster and more safely. We're hiring!
Ethernaut CTF is a CTF (aka Capture The Flag) competition where teams or individuals solve a number of challenges to compete against each other on the scoreboard. Inspired by the Ethernaut (our wargame for learning), the CTF contains blockchain-related challenges and runs for 48 hours.
If this is your first time playing a blockchain CTF (or one at all), practice with Ethernaut, and check out this video. In summary, we will release several challenges during the CTF, and each challenge has a secret value (a "flag") with the format OZ{some-secret-value-here}. If you find the flag, you can submit it for points.
The competition will start on March 16 at 00:00 UTC and run for 48 hours, finishing at 00:00 UTC on March 18.
Create a team by navigating to the register page, and share the credentials with your team members to use the same account.
You can reach us by email at [email protected].